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Gas for only $2.00/gal.

Gas for only $2.00/gal.

Gus Philpott
Woodstock Advocate
June 28, 2012

Do you know that you can get gas in northern Illinois for only $2.00/gal.?


If you are a reader of McHenry County Blog, then you know. Read it right here.

I wonder if the State of Illinois buys it at a retail pump and pays the Federal and sales taxes on each gallon (and then sells it at a loss), or if the highway workers fill those five-gallon cans at the State, tax-free pump. If they do, does it constitute illegal use of tax-free gas? Or is such distribution considered and allowed under tax-free laws?

What will the Great State of Illinois do for you, if you have vehicle trouble?

Changing tires
Battery boosts
Adding coolant*
Dispensing fuel*
Transporting customers
Moving vehicles away from traffic
Calling for a tow

* small fees may be charged, such as $2.00/gal. for fuel.

Gratuities are strictly prohibited. So says the Tollway website, anyway.

If you need help, dial *999, or call 630-241-6800 x5028. H.E.L.P. is available Monday-Friday, 5:00AM-8:00PM.

Remember, the Number 1 Rule on the Tollway or on any highway in the Chicago area is: Be Safe. Stay out of the roadway. If you have a flat, call for help. Trying to change it yourself might just get you killed.

The Crittenden Automotive Library