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Main Chronological Archives

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1800sThe 1800s
Gasoline engine meets wheeled wagon in the very beginnings of the automobile as we know it today.
1900sThe 1900s
The automobile transforms from mechanical curiosity to world-changing industry, ending with the car that would put the working class on wheels: the Ford Model T.
1910sThe 1910s
Automobiles and the industry to manufacture them continue to develop, as the standard car control configuration we still use today emerges from the Cadillac Type 53.
1920sThe 1920s
The Roaring Twenties see a shift in automobiles from open air motorized carriages to the fully enclosed automobiles we're familiar with today.
1930sThe 1930s
The American automobile industry matures as a few large companies emerge as the Big Three, while Europe and Asia descend into war.
1940sThe 1940s
The Second World War shuts down most of the automobile industry for war production. One notable vehicle emerges from the conflict: the Jeep.
1950sThe 1950s
This was a Golden Age for the American automobile, with buyers choosing big finned cars decorated with a lot of chrome and tinkerers inventing hot rod culture.
1960sThe 1960s
A new Golden Age began with the introduction of the muscle car. It was a special era for motorsports as engineers could be wildly inventive before the speeds they were reaching became too unsafe and cars had to be regulated for safety.
1970sThe 1970s
The age of the American muscle car came to a close, squeezed out between rising insurance rates and low gasoline supplies. The U.S. EPA was founded in 1970 and the Malaise Era began.
1980sThe 1980s
The "Dark Ages" continue through the beginning of the decade as the automobile industry shifts from vacuum operated gadgets & carburetion to fuel injection & electronics.
1990sThe 1990s
The Computer Age saw rising performance as manufacturers gained experience and developed digital technology, while the shapes of cars rounded off with more fuel efficient aerodynamics.
2000sThe 2000s
The shift to electric vehicles begins as hybrids start taking market share and Tesla is founded.
2010sThe 2010s
As digital and communications technologies rapidly develop, most of the changes in this decade are inside cars: GPS navigation, touchscreens, exterior cameras, and smartphone connectivity become widespread.
2020sThe 2020s
The current decade began with the COVID-19 pandemic and continues to take shape as automakers struggle against labor shortages to maintain their supply chains.

John Walczak The Crittenden Automotive Library is dedicated to John Walczak and all of the amateur automotive historians who have preserved & shared what they have.
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Read about a different perspective on automotive history in this month's Tail Lights newsletter.