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Contribute to The Crittenden Automotive Library!

The Crittenden Automotive Library is a project to preserve, organize, and distribute as much knowledge as possible about automobiles & other wheeled vehicles, the roads they drive on, the competitions involving them, and the culture inspired by them. You can read more about the mission on the About Us page.

The shortest version of our story is that we are attempting to build the world's largest online library of automotive information by collecting and republishing anything about automobiles, racing, trucks, and motorcycles that we legally can. We're also building a large offline "Reference Desk" collection of shop manuals, magazines, news clippings, and reference books that are still in copyright but can be used as information sources.

Contributions of digitally republishable materials helps diversify and add depth to the collection at CarsAndRacingStuff.com. Contributions of physical material and digital materials we can't republish helps build the reference library usable now and preserves them for when they can be shared online.

There are so many ways to help support The Crittenden Automotive Library, and here's some of them!

Page Sections: Tip Jar · Sponsorships · Content Submission · Historical Transcriptions · Physical Materials · Offline Digital Materials · Rules & Limitations
Tip Jar!

Like what we're doing? Help us do more! Check out the Tip Jar section below!

Tip Jar

If you're using information from The Crittenden Automotive Library and you appreciate the website, consider leaving a few dollars in our Tip Jar!

We call it a "tip jar" instead of a "donation" because The Crittenden Automotive Library isn't a a 501(c) organization (contributions aren't tax deductible). Any little contribution helps as we build the funds to retire from our day jobs and add content to CarsAndRacingStuff.com on a full time basis.

PayPal: @CrittendenAuto
CashApp: $CrittendenLibrary
Coinbase Wallet: @CrittendenLibrary

Join Robinhood with my link and we'll both get free stock: https://join.robinhood.com/williac3575


We're always looking for sponsors large and small! Unlike traditional motorsport sponsorship on race track banners, or billboards on the side of the highway, we can put our viewers within a click of your website.

Title Sponsorship

This would mean replacing the "@ CarsAndRacingStuff.com" in our logo with "presented by [Your Company Here]" along with a link to your site prominently displayed across the CarsAndRacingStuff.com site.

Associate Sponsorship

Kind of like an associate sponsorship on a race car, you get a small logo in the navigation bar on the left side of the page site-wide wherever that navigation bar appears. Placement is determined by how much you're willing to pay, and prices start at $25 per month.

Shopping Page Listing

A listing on our shopping page is $25 per year. Of course, classified ad posting is free provided you agree to our Rules & Limitations.

Content Sponsorship

You can have an SEO-friendly sponsorship link in a page's description, or catch the eye of site visitors by replacing the 300x300 ad box to the right of the title (where the Tip Jar image appears on this page). Because prices vary by PageRank, overall page popularity, length of term, and possible bulk discount please email admin@CarsAndRacingStuff.com with any proposals. We can work with any budget!

Site Viewership

MonthPage ViewsPage Views/
Day Average
Total UsersUsers/
Day Average
January 20239,509306.75,552179.0
December 20229,285299.55,135165.6
November 20229,174305.85,082169.4
October 20229,656311.45,245169.1
September 20229,383312.75,155171.8
August 202211,169360.25,756185.6
July 20229,987322.15,366173.0
June 20229,992333.05,189172.9
May 20229,766315.05,268169.9
April 202212,123404.15,159171.9
March 202211,083357.55,461176.1
February 202210,255366.25,347190.9

Stats are based on Google Analytics results and do not include .txt or .pdf files or media file views.


Due to agreements with our web host and main advertising provider, we cannot link to gambling sites, and we cannot post content listed on the Google AdSense Prohibited Content page.

Content Submission (Free Advertising!)

The Crittenden Automotive Library is always looking for new content, provided you follow our Rules & Limitations.

You can contribute your own photographs and writing for preservation & sharing. Established opinion writers can use The Crittenden Automotive Library as a backup or archive of old content, or as a prospective journalist you can try your hand at opinion writing without having to maintain a site and then share your author's page to potential employers.

And of course, businesses can contribute photos, press releases, and almost anything digital for free advertising. Check out our Shopping page to see our classifieds. We're interested in posting catalogs on the Shopping page, as well!

In addition, if you're not sure of what you can post to promote yourself or your business, here are some samples...

  • Standard commentary with a file photo selected by the author from Unsplash, and inline text links for SEO purposes.
  • Press release in text format, posted to advertise a racing series.
  • Press release in text format from an elected official.
  • Local news & commentary with a photo by the author, posted as a backup to their own site.
  • Amateur car review with photos taken by the author, posted as a backup to their own site.

  • Monaco Meets Monza - 1932 Monaco Grand Prix Art Le Pur Sang des Automobiles
    Artist: Alfredo de la Maria
    Car: 1932 Alfa Romeo 8C 2300 Monza
    1932 Monaco Grand Prix, on April 17th.
    Tazio Nuvolari races to victory in No. 28.
    Image courtesy CarArt.us
    View Monaco Meets Monza - 1932 Monaco Grand Prix Art - 57KB
    Chevrolet Chevelle Shirt Subject:  Chevrolet Chevelle Shirt
    Source:  CarShirtsAndStuff.com
    View Chevrolet Chevelle Shirt - 267KB

    Historical Transcriptions (More Free Advertising!)

    Even if you don't have your own content to contribute, but want to build links to your business, we have tens of thousands of pages of scanned articles that need transcribing from image to text format. This helps people find what they're looking for with Google, as well as making it easy for researchers to copy & paste text. You can see an example of a transcribed article at 1906 Leader.

    You can contact us for articles or contribute ones that you've found in your own searches provided they are in the public domain and follow our Rules & Limitations.

    There are just a few extra notes about this process.

  • Articles & photos must be in the public domain for the article to be uploaded to CarsAndRacingStuff.com, otherwise they'll need to be filed in a deferral folder offline until such a day as they are publishable.
  • Text must be submitted exactly as written in the source material. This includes correct accent marks (examples: àâãèéêëñòóõ), fractions if they're available in UTF-8 text (¼ ½ ¾), and the appropriately slanted quotation marks (“ or ” or "). OCR does not do all of this accurately, otherwise we could process all this material automatically and would not be asking for help.
  • Links can not be placed inline within the historical text, but a link to your site will be inlcuded in the article page's description box.

  • Physical Materials

    In addition to The Crittenden Automotive Library's online collection, Owner Bill Crittenden has an extensive offline collection that we can share in limited ways via the Reference Desk. Many of the books and magazines in the collection have come from the generous contributions of others who wish to see The Crittenden Automotive Library preserve them for history.

    We're always looking to add more to our offline physical collection, so if you have an owner's manual, a shop manual, magazines or other automotive books that you aren't using anymore and want preserved for history as a permanent part of our collections, email admin@CarsAndRacingStuff.com for our physical mailing address. We don't have much of a budget for shipping, but we're willing to make exceptions for special cases. If it's close enough to Woodstock, Illinois, we can pick it up!

    Offline Digital Materials

    We're also building our offline digital collection, which is a large number of files that we can't yet share on CarsAndRacingStuff.com due to copyright. We're also looking for all kinds of materials to add to this collection, preferably in its best quality, uncompressed version. You can email small files directly to admin@CarsAndRacingStuff.com or use a file sharing site such as Dropbox to upload the files and email us the link.

    If you want your photos or videos preserved for history, but aren't quite ready to publicly share them with the world, consider sending them to us for safekeeping.

    Rules & Limitations

    If you're submitting content to be published in The Crittenden Automotive Library online at CarsAndRacingStuff.com, you agree to the following:

  • It's within the scope of topics in The Crittenden Automotive Library. If you're not sure, take a look around and see if you can find similar information. If you're still not sure, just ask!
  • You agree to allow it to be posted permanently. The most limiting factor in our ability to build and grow the Library is time, and therefore we don't want to spend time posting and removing temporary content.
  • It has to be legally shareable. This means it's something you created yourself, or own all rights to, or is in the public domain, so that there are no copyright claims from other persons or companies. If there is a contribution of licensed material, you must tell us the source and license's terms & conditions.
  • Placement is at our discretion. Placement on CarsAndRacingStuff.com, and inlcuding where it's placed and what pages link to it, is solely at our discretion.
  • It doesn't violate the content policies of our web host or major advertisers. Due to agreements with our web host and main advertising provider, we cannot link to gambling sites, and we cannot post content listed on the Google AdSense Prohibited Content page. Remember that we're still interested in receiving the content, and it will be put in a deferral file until such a time as it can be posted should our terms and conditions change.
  • It's small enough to be uploaded to our server, or you agree to it being placed in The Internet Archive. Because of the limitations of being hosted on a shared server, large files may need to be uploaded to The Internet Archive and linked to from CarsAndRacingStuff.com.

  • The Crittenden Automotive Library