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10 MPH


10 MPH
Feature Film

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Wikipedia: 10 MPH
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Article Index
A film documenting a journey across the United States by Segway.


The following section is an excerpt from Wikipedia's 10 MPH page on 22 July 2021, text available via the Creative Commons Attribution-ShareAlike 3.0 Unported License.

10 MPH is a 2006 documentary film directed by Hunter Weeks and starring Josh Caldwell with his Segway HT, the two-wheeled electronic scooter. This film, which takes its name from the Segway's average speed, documents Caldwell's 100-day, coast to coast journey across the United States riding the "Human Transporter". The trip started in Seattle, Washington on August 8, 2004 and ended in Boston, Massachusetts on November 18, 2004. 10 MPH has had a favorable reaction at screenings and film festivals and has won several awards.

Article Index

23 July 2004Segway HT to Cross America — See America at 10 mphSpinning Blue
1 September 200410 mph Expedition Across America Completes 1000 MilesSpinning Blue
18 October 2004America at 10 mph Completes 3000 Miles of First Cross-Country Journey using a Segway HT — Filming of Debut Documentary on America ContinuesAmerica at 10 mph
15 November 2004First Coast-to-Coast Expedition on Segway HT Ends in Boston After 100 Days - America at 10 mph Wraps Up Production for DocumentaryAmerica at 10 mph

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