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Bikers begin descent on South Carolina resort for rallies


Bikers begin descent on South Carolina resort for rallies

May 14, 2005

Myrtle Beach, South Carolina –This weekend is the kick-off for two motorcycle rallies held annually in the U.S. eastern seacoast town of Myrtle Beach.  Enthusiasts this year are expected to meet or exceed the 170,000 bikers that arrived last year in droves to the small resort town of 23,000.  Festivities span two weeks, and extend again this year into the Memorial Day.

Leading off is the week-long Harley rally, followed by the next week's BikeFest.  In and around town, both day and night are punctured by the sounds of bike engines gunned and revved at stop lights and in parking lots.  Groups of cycle riders dominate the streets.

“By Friday night, the front parking lot will be a full line of motorcycles to the corner.” said motel owner Ranjan Patel.  The Super 8 motel takes up half a block at its location in the heart of the downtown motel strip.  “Both sides [of Ocean Blvd] are nothing but bikes.  ” Both she and her co-owner husband agree, the influx of bikers dwarf in size the numbers of tourists who visit during regular summer months for ocean-side and family amusement park attractions.

The highly accesorised bikes, decked with chrome and polished to show it, flashed the townscape.  Choppers made a showing, but road hogs dominated the ridership, often going twosome.  Many rally goers arrived on the scene with SUV’s or big pickup trucks towing cargo trailers loaded with cycles.

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