![]() The Irony of Non Smokers, Cars, and Children |
Dee Scrip
November 24, 2005
As a society, we have all been well versed on the negative health impact on our children from second hand smoke. Many parents have become proactive and either kicked the “habit” or elected not to smoke in their homes and/or vehicles.
A society, priding ourselves on protecting innocent children, we’ve even enacted laws requiring seatbelts, toddler seats, and infant seats to optimize their safety.
We’ve resoundingly said “No” to cigarette smoke and “No” to traveling without seatbelts. Yet ironically, we’ve obliviously accepted “YES” when it comes to exposing our precious cargo to the deadly effects of exhaust emissions.
It’s like going all out taking precautions to protect our children against chicken pox, but apathetic when exposing them to small pox.
Children 6 and under, including unborn fetuses, are especially susceptible to toxic exhaust emissions.
Daily our children inhale poisonous substances into their little lungs – toxic entities with devastating long term and/or immediate life-threatening affects.
While we happily motor down the highway, children safely secured by seatbelts, along with millions of other drivers, we are spewing into the environment deadly emissions via the process of burning gas, bio-diesel, or diesel in our engines:
· Toxic gases known as carbon monoxide
· Poisonous nitrogen oxides, a main source of urban smog
· Lethal unburned hydrocarbons, a main source of urban ozone
How toxic is carbon monoxide to our children?
The U.S. alone releases approximately 2 billion pounds of carbon into the environment each day, which converts into massive amounts of invisible carbon monoxide gas as our engines consume gas, bio-diesel, or diesel fuel.
When we breathe carbon monoxide, the carbon molecules attach to our hemoglobin, denying release of oxygen to lungs and other tissues in our body. With excessive exposure, such as idling in traffic, our blood loses its ability to transport oxygen, thus inevitable death by suffocation, especially in younger children.
How lethal is smog and ozone to our children?
Nitrogen oxides and unburned hydrocarbons, main sources for smog and “unfriendly” ozone at ground level, is caused by the reaction between engine exhaust and light.
Smog and ozone instigate inflammation and abnormal accumulation of fluid in our lungs, and aggravates the effects of asthma and other respiratory problems. Repeated exposure further desecrates our lungs, making it more difficult to breathe, and our bodies increasingly labor to extract oxygen. Younger children are more susceptible and thus at greater risk.
But how can we, as loving and caring parents, protect our children from these toxic pollutants?
The good news is that there is a product available. It’s a small pill, the size of a penny, we can simply pop into the tank each time we fuel up. Independent tests showed that this little pill:
· Reduced toxic carbon monoxide emissions by 78%
· Reduced poisonous nitrogen oxides by 73% (main source of urban smog)
· Reduced lethal unburned hydrocarbons by 24% (main source of urban ozone)
Known as the UBiee Power Pill, 100% guarantees to reduce toxic emissions, and our pocketbooks will experience an added benefit of increased fuel economy and reduced maintenance costs – an instant remedy to further help protect and save our children’s lives.
Dee Scrip is a well known and respected published expert author of numerous articles on PowerPill Fe3, Fuel Economy, Home Business, Business Opportunities, Fundraising, VoIP, VoIP Security, and other related VoIP issues. http://www.free-pc-phone.com http://www.helpwithfuelprices.net Love Your Child