Becky Davidson
Fast Tracks Racing
May 11, 2007
See more by Becky Davidson at Fast Tracks Racing
Let Dale JR have a little peace, a little space for now. All of the speculations that have been ongoing long before Dale JR's announcement at his press conference at JR Motorsports have been to the point of ridiculous and one sided. What a fan wants and not what is best for Dale JR. I was a fan of his Daddy for over 25 years. I always will be a Dale fan. I am a fan of Dale JR and have been since the day his racing career began.
As much as you want to put the speculations and rumors to rest for now, the news media is not going to allow that. This is big news but news I for one fan of knew in my heart it was inevitable. Some individuals are control freaks JR and you know this as much as anyone else. They want total control or no control at all. There is no middle ground. Sad but true, especially when it comes to family whether you are family by blood or by marriage. I keep thinking of another commentary I wrote three or four years ago called, "What Would Dale Do?" Little did I know the situation I wrote that commentary about would be far remote from what happened at the press conference.
Dale is gone. We lost Dale on February 18, 2001 and nothing we can do, nothing say, wish, pray or hope is never going to bring him back. Even if Dale JR someday decides to step behind the wheel of the famous Black # 3 will that bring Dale back? Dale JR made it clear not only during the press conference at JR Motorsports but in the past about his thoughts on driving the famous Black # 3 owned by Richard Childress. Give the young man a break and stop with pushing him to be in the # 3. In time I feel he will drive the # 3, if only for exhibition. I think Dale JR knows as more then anyone else, the # 3 will always be his Daddy's number. I know that Richard Childress also realizes that.
In all honesty I'd love to see Dale JR driving for RCR but more then that, I'd love to see Dale JR truly happy for once in a very long time. It is sad to me that ropes have been around him so tight since the passing of his Daddy. There can be no denial to that not being done. JR finally got the rights to his own name a few months back. To try and control a grown man, a man of 32 by denying him the God given rights to his own name us absurd but then it's ALL for the money and nothing more by one control freak. I have nothing nice I could say about a lot of things that have been allowed to transpire at DEI since we lost Dale.
Yesterday we saw a grown man speaking up for himself, speaking up for his family and their future also. We saw a man that his Father Dale would be very proud of for taking a stand. It is so obvious to everyone except for those in control at DEI now known as TEI not only by me but by millions of other fans that this business was founded by Dale Earnhardt to lay down a future, a true Legacy for his children and their children.
That door was slammed in their faces shutting them completely out when no meeting of the minds were meant after a year long negotiation. The Legacy that Dale founded and built began the first tier of crumbling yesterday. Oh DEI without a doubt will move on as the CEO says but without Dale JR it will be a long and tough move. It won't be the same and true Dale and JR fans will never feel the same about that building again. DEI without Dale JR driving the # 8 is like having a Peanut Butter sandwich without the jelly.
Oh it will crumble no doubt about that. Without an Earnhardt driving in the stable at DEI, an Earnhardt named after his Daddy, DEI is as I said many months ago in a previous editorial, one big expensive museum and nothing more. I am thankful I visited DEI on two occasions while Dale was alive and one time since we lost him to pay my respects. I will not return there again nor will I return to DEI. Why would I want to celebrate Dale's birthday at DEI which has done nothing but to make life hard on Dale JR even during the last contract had to be signed. Being at Talladega on Dale's birthday was the place to be on April 29th. Being at Talladega and seeing Dale JR race on the track that his Daddy dominated and still does. A place I saw Dale win his last race on October 15, 2000.
I will not go to DEI or to the dealership to take a tour, to purchase any items, or even to take a picture. It is no longer an Earnhardt Legacy. Teresa saw to that when she could not come to an agreement of some kind for Dale's own children.
I guess two big slaps in the face that could happen is if DEI turns into a Ford business but most of all, if they retain the # 8 from Dale JR and not allow him to take it with him. Oh they could allow him. They could allow him to take the # 8 that truly means absolutely NOTHING to Teresa emotionally and still keep control of it. They could have a stipulation that the # 8 is only on a car driven by Dale JR and that it does not belong to whatever new owner JR might work for.
Oh forget the dumb ideas that have also been rumored on the Internet and in chat feedbacks. Richard Childress will never swap the # 3 for the # 8. I might eat my words but the # 3 means much to that man emotionally as does the # 8 to JR. It will just be one more thing the evil(s) now controlling could do more harm, more hurt to a young man whose heart yesterday was truly broken. I will not name names but I sure hope that there are several who have a hard time sleeping at night for their conscience is bothering them, if they have one at all.
I feel in my heart you made a right decision for yourself, for your family, for those you love. Times change, the individuals you are around on a daily basis will come and go but the "Earnhardt Racing Tradition" will continue JR. It was passed down from your Grandfather Ralph to his son Dale and your Daddy passed it on from father to son. You have begun your own Legacy, your own tradition and as I always have said, you are your father's son. You have so much to be proud of, so very much. Your true fans will follow you anywhere JR. No matter where your future lies, we are by your side as we always have been. Your have your own Earnhardt Nation and a big one it truly is.
Follow your heart Dale JR and do not allow anyone to sway your decisions where your future in driving lies in 2008. You did not allow anyone to sway your decisions to leave DEI.
I find it funny that some of your fans are jumping through hoops over an email name they have or a license plate because it includes the # 8. Well mine has it included as did the same name I had when your Daddy was alive only it had a 3. Things like this are so trivial compared to the major changes that have been, are and will be going on in your life for many months to come. Just remember JR, it’s only just a number until perhaps DEI makes the wrong decision by putting another driver in a DEI car with the # 8 on it. Talk about mixing oil with water. I would not want to be that driver, NO matter who they are, even if it be another Earnhardt.