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ISCARS Announces Business Plan

Stock Car Racing

ISCARS Announces Business Plan

March 20, 2005

DAYTONA BEACH, FL - The newly formed International Sport Compact Auto Racing Series, (ISCARS) gathered for a closed session last weekend in Mooresville, NC. The ISCARS planning committee, including race teams and executives, discussed the future of the new series which is to include 5 races in 2005 and a slate of 12-16 for 2006. The new series is moving forward methodically as they firmly piece together their new identity and set up a race schedule for late summer which is to include races at familiar venues throughout the southeast.

“We are in a period of transition and it is in our best interest to forego scheduling races in a hurried manner,” said Randy Claypoole, President/CEO of ISCARS. “Track Promoters already have their big event budgets allocated for 2005, but we have had enthusiastic support for events in 2006,” he added.

To boost participation and renewed interest, ISCARS will allow the use of the former 4 cylinder power plants utilizing the restrictions that were in place during the transition to the V6 engines. “It is not our intention to digress the series. We feel this will increase car count and give all the car owners the chance to participate in the new endeavor. We are fully aware that there are a large number of teams that never upgraded to the V6 and simply stopped participating. The engine builders and I have discussed the need to reduce engine cost. We are committed to making the changes that are progressive, cost controlling, and in line with the sport compact industry.”

“By limiting our schedule to five events, held later in the year, we can focus our attention to securing dates for 2006. This will allow momentum to move forward in a consistent manner,” said Claypoole.

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