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Stock Car Racing Topics:  Circle Track Magazine


April 20, 2011

L to R - Randy Claypoole, Kevin Ramsell, Rob Fisher Photos Courtesy: Misty Pentigar
DAYTONA BEACH, FL - Representatives of the American Speed Association and Circle Track Magazine recently teamed up to help promote short track racing at the 2011 Collegiate DECA International Career Development Conference. They were involved in the Professional Development Academies that took place on Thursday, April 14 at the Caribe Royale Hotel & Convention Center in Orlando, FL.

Randy Claypoole, President of ISCARS DASH Touring Sanctioned by ASA; Rob Fisher, Editor of Circle Track Magazine; and Kevin Ramsell, Director Public Relations for ASA, participated in the Academies. Claypoole gave a keynote presentation to the Integrated Marketing Communications Academy, while Fisher & Ramsell participated on two panel discussions. One was in the Integrated Marketing Communications Academy as well as the Marketing Academy.

Claypoole shared his own life experiences with the students. He spoke about getting to the bottom line, stepping outside the box and presented life strategies that promote personal growth. He also touch on how he is marketing his ISCARS DASH Touring Series as America's Premier Stock Car Tuner Series.

"It had been many years since I spoke to a group exclusively comprised of college age attendees," Claypoole said. "Speaking, sharing, interacting with them during the question and answer time and following the session was perhaps more inspiring to me than I to them. It was quite refreshing to experience their passion, their knowledge and their obvious determination to make a difference for our future. I was greatly impressed with their connection to principle and their willingness to grasp valuable information. The experience will remain etched in my heart and mind for a long time."

Fisher and Ramsell answered questions from students regarding careers and internships available to them. Some also asked Fisher about Circle Track's Project GREEN with their concern for the environment.

"I enjoyed speaking at both sessions. Taking part in the Collegiate DECA conference gave me a new hope for the future," Fisher said. "These students are the leaders of tomorrow, and many I talked to demonstrated an ambition and drive that lets me know that we will be in good hands. Many of their questions reinforced that many of the topics we cover in Circle Track, particularly with respect to Project GREEN is in line with the thought processes of today's young people."

"This organization has had a huge impact on my life. So, anytime I can give back to Collegiate DECA, I do what I can," Ramsell said. "Students are interested in the sport of auto racing, and some desire to be a part of it. I am glad that the timing was such that Rob, Randy and I were available to participate in this conference. We were able to share with them on how to take advantage of the many opportunities the world of auto racing presents. Many students asked about local ASA Member Tracks and Series in their area and how to get in touch with them. Our short tracks and series offer a tremendous avenue for students interested in a career in sports marketing and public relations. Which can set the stage for a long successful career from starting with internships."

"This is a great way for ASA to reach out to that generation I feel we missed in short track racing," Dennis Huth, ASA President said. "Our ASA Member Tracks and Series have great people who are more than willing to help the next generation learn and help keep this sport going. We appreciate Collegiate DECA for inviting Randy, Rob and Kevin to come and share our sport with them and the opportunities available to them."

About Collegiate DECA

Collegiate DECA is the college division of DECA. DECA prepares emerging leaders and entrepreneurs for careers in marketing, finance, hospitality and management in high schools and colleges around the globe.

DECA enhances the co-curricular education of members through a comprehensive learning program the integrates into classroom instruction, applies learning, connects to business and promotes competition.

DECA's activities assist in the development of academically prepared, community oriented, professionally responsible, experienced leaders.

DECA Inc. is a 501(c)(3) not-for-profit student organization with more than 200,000 members in all 50 U.S. states, the District of Columbia, Canada, China, Germany, Guam, Hong Kong, Korea, Mexico and Puerto Rico. The United States Congress, The United States Department of Education and state, district, and international departments of education authorize DECA's programs.

For more information, visit www.collegiatedeca.org.

To learn more about the ASA Member Tracks and Sanctioned Series in your area, please visit www.asa-racing.com.

The American Speed Association started as a single racing series in 1968 and is a fast growing racing sanctioning body today. The ASA Member Track program sanctions dirt and asphalt short tracks along with road courses around the United States, as well as a variety of regional and national touring series. For more information call (386) 258-2221, or send an email to info@asa-racing.com. The latest news and information from all the racetracks and tours involved in the ASA can be found by visiting www.ASA-Racing.com.

ASA®, ASA Racing®, American Speed Association® are registered trademarks of Racing Speed Associates, LLC.

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