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42 years later, Texas man locates stolen car

Publisher: Wikinews
Date: 17 July 2012
License: Creative Commons Attribution 2.5
Topic: Austin-Healey

More than four decades after it was stolen from his then-home in Philadelphia, a Texas man has recovered his 1967 Austin-Healey sports car, mostly based upon his own perseverance. Robert Russell, a resident of Southlake (near Dallas, Texas) spent intermittent periods perusing listings on the internet, in hopes of finding his beloved sports car. Russell finally struck upon a lead recently, noting what sppeared to be his car listed on eBay and being held at a car dealership in Los Angeles,California.

Russell spoke with Sheriff's Department personnel and requested their assistance. These many years later, Russell still held the car's title which listed its vehicle identification number (VIN), which matched the VIN number on eBay.

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