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WPD: Warnings exceed tickets?

McHenry County, Illinois

WPD: Warnings exceed tickets?

Gus Philpott
Woodstock Advocate
July 22, 2009

In a recent poll on this site, readers were asked, “When you were last stopped by Woodstock Police for a traffic violation, did you get a ticket or a warning?”

Sixty-five readers responded.

The results?

15 (23%) got tickets
50 (77%) got warnings

Many thanks for your participation in this poll.

Verification of these percentages is being sought through inspection of Woodstock Police Department monthly traffic reports. Every month about 80% of the tickets fall into the "Other Traffic Arrest" category, which does not include tickets for Accidents, DUIs or Insurance Violations.

Information is also being sought regarding the income that the City of Woodstock receives from fines and court costs levied in McHenry County Circuit Court, which is where Woodstock PD tickets are processed.

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