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Where's the News?

McHenry County, Illinois

Where's the News?

Gus Philpott
Woodstock Advocate
January 5, 2008

Does anyone else wonder where the news in the Northwest Herald is about the October 26 accident involving four Marian Central students? or the hit-and-run involving Alexander Metschke in Woodstock? or the robbery at the Mobil station?

It is way past time for tickets to be issued to the driver in the Haligus Road accident that killed two and injured the driver and a third passenger. The McHenry County Sheriff's Department should be explaining the delay, and it's not just that the State Police Laboratory is three months behind on toxicology reports. Just exactly why are they dragging their heels on issuing the basic ticket(s) for the accident?

Where is the further information about the vehicle suspected in the hit-and-run right here in Woodstock? Are the Woodstock Police still looking for a green Ford Taurus? Has it been found? We're not such a big town that the police and contacts can't find this vehicle.

Perhaps there was further news and a description of the robber who hit the Mobil station on Seminary; I may have missed it while out of town for the holidays. Why isn't this information on the PD's website? Many departments have a website that is actually useful to citizens for identifying and locating suspects in crimes. When the crime was first reported, not even the race of the robber was identified - only that he was male. I'll bet there are web-savvy officers who would welcome an opportunity to spiff up the WPD webpages.

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