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What's the pursuit rule?

McHenry County, Illinois

What's the pursuit rule?

Gus Philpott
Woodstock Advocate
August 8, 2012

I can understand that a law-enforcement agency might not want the public to know what its pursuit policy is. Would this just mean that criminals would take off, knowing that officers won't chase them?

How fast is too fast?

Is 80MPH on E. Wonder Lake Road, southbound from the area of the center of "downtown" Wonder Lake toward Route 120, too fast?

How about 90MPH? Too fast?

How about 100MPH?

How about 120MPH?

If you are chasing a traffic violator and he's hitting 120MPH in a 35-45MPH zone, do you let him go? What happens at a signalized intersection? Does he blow the light and get through, with luck, without smashing into cross-traffic? Does the deputy chasing him run out of luck and cream cross-traffic?

The car being chased crashed somewhere south of Route 120 in Bull Valley. Will the Northwest Herald have all the details in the morning?

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