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Speed Limit Survey Results

McHenry County, Illinois

Speed Limit Survey Results

Gus Philpott
Woodstock Advocate
November 2, 2008

Thanks to the 39 readers who took time to participate in the survey about the speed limit on Raffel Road. The survey question was, “What is the speed limit on Ware Road between Route 47 and Raffel Road?”

30MPH? 9 (23%)
35MPH? 10 (26)
40MPH? 6 (15%)
45MPH? 14 (36%)

When I checked with the City Manager’s office a few months ago, I was told that the speed limit is the unposted non-rural 30MPH set by State statute.

Previously, I suggested to the City that it should erect 30MPH speed limit signs in both directions on Ware Road. Now, with the increased traffic for the new high school, it might be even more important to post the speed limit.

An appropriate speed limit for Ware Road might be 40MPH.

If you believe the City should post speed limit signs on Ware Road, drop an email to City Manager Tim Clifton at tclifton@woodstockil.gov

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