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Me first! Outa my way...
Me first! Outa my way...
Gus Philpott
Woodstock Advocate
August 2, 2011
Don't you just have to love aggressive drivers?
This morning this vehicle was stopped behind me on Route 47, in front of Walgreen's. I was stopped northbound at the red light, when she rolled up behind me.
When the light turned green, I started up promptly and remained in the through lane. And the driver behind me? Quickly over into the right-hand lane, stomped on the gas, passed me - and cut back in at the exit from Jewel-Osco. And then stopped at the red light at Irving Road, by Wendy's.
Traffic hadn't started to move again, as I took this picture.
I'll bet she was really happy and pleased with herself that she beat me to the next red light. For a good look at the car and license plate, click on the photo. Then click on the Back button on your browser to come back here.