![]() Be Easy To Take Out Of Your Car |
Laura Lee
July 19, 2013
Panel beaters employ a technique known as PDR or paintless dent removal. They sought of massage the part of the car that is dented to ease the dents out and bring it back to normal shape.
In this technique the original paint is not tampered with and no repainting is necessary, the dent is removed in a gentle manner without letting the paint peel off.
Can panel beaters remove all dents by utilizing PDR?
Unfortunately the answer is no, panel beaters can remove dents that are on the surface of the body, if the dents are too deep they require the conventional methods to repair it and bring it back to normal. And the car part on which the dent is present also has a role to play, some of the dents are on curved surface of the car and these cannot be eased out by the PDR method and they too have to be repaired in the conventional way.
Panel beaters are professionals who repair your car and make it look like new; no one would believe that it had an accident. This is how they gain excellent reputation and retain their customers forever.
Panel beaters carry out repairs not only to those cars that have been involved in accidents but also those that have become damaged due to corrosion and rust. Rusting deteriorates the car and if unchecked it spreads fast causing more damage. This has to be attended on an emergency basis.
Panel beaters cut and remove the rusted part and use specific techniques to avoid rust migration; they even go a little beyond the rusted part and then overlap with new metal.
Panel beaters restore the car and bring back a smooth finish by using sophisticated and effective techniques. They are meticulous in their work and will not rest until they are fully satisfied with their work; they take much pride in their job.
Wherever it is necessary to re paint the car, panel beaters use primers and paints of high quality and those that are weather resistant. They prepare the surface well before beginning the painting job. They use only spray-painting that is applied with expertise on the area that has been repaired. They match the color of the car perfectly before starting the work and for this they have facilities that are highly professional. This relieves the customers of a lot of a lot of stress.
One thing to remember is that panel beaters guarantee the work done by them; so do not forget to ask about their guarantee system.
To locate reputed panel beaters you can take the assistance of Internet. And before choosing one to repair your car it is better to get quotes with all details, compare and then select one. Let not price be the deciding factor while choosing a panel beater. Make enquiries regarding the guarantee offered. Check out the machinery and staff to ensure that they work efficiently.
An experienced panel beater is bound to do a marvelous job on your car and will also ensure that the resale value of the car is in no way affected due to the accident.