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New Automobile Plant In Japan For Honda

Topics:  Honda

New Automobile Plant In Japan For Honda

Joe Thompson
May 19, 2006

Just recently, the Honda Motor Company, Ltd. has announced that they are going to build a new automobile plant in Yorii, Osato county, Saitama prefecture in Japan. This new plant that they would be creating would be actually able to operate come the year 2010, during the early part of that year. The company estimates that its annual production capacity would be an approximate of some 200,000 units of engines as well as finished automobiles.

So where is Yorii? Yorii is a town in Japan. It is located in the northwestern part of Saitama prefecture. This is some 35 kilometers away from Sayama City and this is also the location of one of Honda’s existing plants which is known as the Saitama Factory or the Sayama Plant. The company plans that when the Yorii plant starts its operations, they will make sure that the existing Sayama Plant would be renovated and updated so as to make it the most advanced production plant in its operations.

The new plant’s construction still has not yet started although Honda is planning on starting it in a couple of years. The new plant for Honda would be constructed on a lot that measures around 800,000 square meters. They have also already come up with possible statistics and investment numbers. As per investment, they have an expected approximation of some 70 billion yen. They would also be able to employ roughly around 2,200 associates come the start of production of the Yorii Plant. Another fact is that come the total annual production for the company, they would have an increase of production. The current number is some 1.3 million units. They are looking at some 1.5 million units produced.

Takeo Fukui, the president and CEO of Honda Motor Co, Ltd., has something to say about their plans, “Honda will establish a high quality and highly efficient manufacturing system by applying the latest technologies. The new plant will be responsible for evolving these manufacturing systems to other Honda operations across the world.”

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