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Is there justice, swift and sure?

McHenry County, Illinois

Is there justice, swift and sure?

Gus Philpott
Woodstock Advocate
February 4, 2010

Cadillac CTS Cadillac CTS Ticket

LAA T DA.... This driver will be humming a different tune a little later today.

I had to make a quick run to MCC this morning and went the "back way" from Woodstock. You know, down County Club Road to Ridgefield, across the tracks, left and then into MCC from the north. One of my pet peeves is an unreasonably-low speed limit, and MCC's 15MPH speed limit on its perimeter roads certainly qualifies.

So there I was, plodding along at 15MPH when, in my rearview mirror, I see a shiny black Cadillac sedan coming up fast behind me. The driver was plenty close behind me for me to read the front license plate, had there been one. Only there wasn't.

As it happened, the driver turned in behind me toward the main entrance, and he parked while I dropped off my passenger. When I circled back through the lot to get the license plate number, there was an MCC security van stopped behind it. The security officer had stopped by the Cadillac and was writing a ticket.

Seems the driver likes his car so much that he felt entitled to hog two parking spaces, and he'll find that today's privilege will cost him $25.00.

My compliments to MCC Security for paying close attention to its students who abuse the lines in the parking lot. How will MCC make sure it gets its money? No payment? No grades!

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