![]() Driving Safely While Using Your Cellular Phone |
Jay Stevens
May 30, 2006
According to statistics, one of the major causes of accidents, crashes, and collisions is not being able to take and provide full concentration on the road ahead. You see, driving really does entail that you give this act your full concentration or else, you actually would be endangering your safety, your passengers’ and other motorists’ and pedestrians’ safety as well. That is why automobile experts, and safety professionals suggest that if you do have something to do that cannot wait while you are driving, it would be best if you pull over rather than drive and reduce your concentration while behind the wheel.
Eating and being drowsy are two major reasons why people lose concentration on their driving. Aside from these, at present, another major reason that has become very popular is using your cellular phone or mobile phone while driving. It has become very popular because, you see, almost everybody can actually own or purchase a cellular phone for themselves. And even driving, they would even attempt to use such without thinking that they are actually endangering their own life.
If you think that you certainly cannot live without your cellular phone even for the short period of time that you would be driving from your office to your home or vice versa, it is important that you do familiarize yourself with your phone. Make sure that you know every feature and every function that it has. Also know how to place calls or even receive calls. If you can, try making use of your phone without having to look at it.
Now, you also should program your most called numbers into your phone’s memory along with 911 so that in case of emergencies, you can quickly place your call. If your phone has a speed dialing feature, then you should program the numbers there as well.
A good phone to use while driving would be that one which has a speakerphone feature. Why? Because this kind of cellular phone allows you to talk to another party without having to use your hands. Your hands remain on the wheel, keeping you safe.
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