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Crash! "Uhh, did I pass?"

Crash! "Uhh, did I pass?"

Gus Philpott
Woodstock Advocate
May 2, 2010

Check out the story and photo of an 18-year-old driver in Whittier, Illinois, who was taking his driving test last Monday.

The driver's grandmother said the DMV employee may have hit his head on the windshield, resulting in a trip to the hospital. Was he wearing his seatbelt?


An interesting analysis of the crash might include just how much driving time did the applicant have before showing up for his test? And who taught him how to drive? Had he just completed driver education at his high school? Had the DMV examiner just told him to "slam on the brakes"?

Something like this couldn't have happened in Woodstock, where the DMV is closed on Mondays.

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