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Cash for Clunkers - how stupid!

Topics:  Car Allowance Rebate System (CARS)

Cash for Clunkers - how stupid!

Gus Philpott
Woodstock Advocate
August 7, 2009

Two billion more? How stupid!!!

The bail-out of the auto industry and dealers on the first billion was bad enough. That billion got spent much faster than Congress thought it would.

Hey, if you're giving away free money, what do you think would happen? That it would sit on the shelf forever?

How does the clunkers program work?

Trade in a "clunker" that gets 18mpg or less on one (another clunker? or must it be a new car?) that gets 22mpg, and get a $3,500 voucher.

If you trade that 18mpg clunker for one that gets at least 28mpg, then scarf up $4,500.

Congress thought the program "worked" so well that they poured another $2 billion down the drain.

Who pays for this? You do. Well, actually, you won't, but your great-grandchildren will.

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