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Get those red-light runners!

McHenry County, Illinois

Get those red-light runners!

Gus Philpott
Woodstock Advocate
January 30, 2009

An open letter to the Woodstock and Crystal Lake Police Departments:

Please write tickets to red-light runners.

Woodstock: eastbound U.S. 14 at Doty Road, in front of Centegra Hospital. Drivers just roll through the red light at 10-15MPH during morning rush-hour to turn right and then enter the hospital parking lot.

Crystal Lake: drivers leaving MCC at the light on U.S. 14, turning right to westbound U.S. 14.

Where and when did drivers learn that they could just carelessly disregard red lights? This has happened because of reductions in traffic enforcement over many years. The lack of dedicated traffic enforcement units has contributed to the increase in drivers' increased disobedience to traffic signs.

Even departments with police motorcycles don't use them exclusively for traffic enforcement. Too often they are used for parades and not for enforcement. Or a supervisory officer gets the privilege of the motorcycle, rather than a traffic-oriented officer who will focus on ticket-writing.

Bull Valley enjoys a "reputation" for traffic enforcement. And what happens on the roads in Bull Valley? Drivers obey speed limits! It's not just a coincidence.

Maybe Woodstock and Crystal Lake need some new signs: "Traffic laws strictly enforced. Be safe and enjoy your visit"

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