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Drinking and Driving

McHenry County, Illinois

Drinking and Driving

Gus Philpott
Woodstock Advocate
October 30, 2009

An "enforcement blitz" is planned along Route 12 today, when the police departments along Route 12 try to curb violations called the Fatal Five, which the State Police identify as

1. Drunk driving
2. Speeding
3. Seatbelt use
4. Improper lane usage
5. Following too closely

Today's campaign stretches along Route 12 from the Wisconsin state line (north of Richmond) through McHenry, Lake and Cook Counties. On a Thursday. One-two days before all the Halloween parties. Is Thursday the best day for a blitz?

That was on Page 3B of the Northwest Herald.

Then I read the nice ad on Page 6D for the wine tasting in Crystal Lake on November 5. For $15 in advance/$20 at the door, you can slosh down 12 different wines at the Dole Mansion/ Lakeside Center. Take your own wine glass and save $1.

OK, so it's a "tasting." If you get there at 6:00PM and "taste" 12 wines, could you consume enough alcohol to hit the 0.08% blood-alcohol content threshold for a DUI from the Crystal Lake Police Department? If each "taste" is 2-3 ounces, that could be 24-36 ounces, and that's if you hit each sample only once.

Maybe the tasters will be wise enough to show up with designated drivers. I hope so!

By the way, this wine-tasting event is sponsored by the First Congregation Church of Crystal Lake. Is it some kind of fund-raiser? Might be, from the list of raffle prizes being offered.

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