Rock Island Argus
August 29, 1913 (Home Edition)
Mason Pilot Hopelessly Disabled Before Going 100 Miles.
Had Been Credited With Fastest Lap-Wishart Throws a Tire.
Length of race-301 miles.
Number of laps-Thirty-six.
Time of start-11 a. m.
Estimated attendance-10,000.
Location of track-One and one-half miles west of Elgin.
Number of cars entered-Eight.
Favorite-Joe Dawson in Deltal.
Average speed expected-65 miles per hour.
Record for one lap-6:46.
Prize money-$2,500.
Manner of starting-One-half minute apart.
Referee - David Beecroft; starter, Fred J. Wagner; chairman technical committee, Harry Vissering.
Elgin-De Palma wins race.
Dawson is second, elapsed time 4:31:56. De Palma did the distance of 302 miles at a rate of 66.8 miles per hour. De Palma's time breaks the record for this event.
Elgin, Ill., Aug. 29.-Eight of the speediest automobile pilots in the United States dashed away at 11 o'clock on the 304 37-44 miles grind around the Elgin road race course.
With the elimination of the "hairpin and graveyard" turns records are expected to be shattered. The cars sent away following half minute intervals were:
Deltal, Dawson.
Mercer, DePalma.
Mason, Rickenbacher.
Mercer, Wishart.
Mason, Chandler.
Nyberg, H. Endicott.
Mason, Mulford.
Mercer, Luteral.
At the end of 67 miles the leaders were close together with De Palma first, Rickenbacher second and Dawson third, with the others trailing, averaging 72 miles an hour.
Mulford went out of the race at 83 miles hopelessly disabled.
Rickenbacher and Chandler lost many miles at the pits.
Wishart threw a tire almost into the grandstand.
Mulford was credited with the fastest lap before he quit with a broken crank shaft, :07:01.
At the end of 100 miles Wishart led by 10 seconds over Dawson.
The timers were in hopeless confusion the first 90 miles of the race. Then they announced that in a half hour they would have "corrected time."
At the end of 125 miles seven cars were running, led by De Palma, Dawson, and Wishart. The leaders averaged 67 1/2 miles an hour.
At 150 miles, half the race, De Palma was first with 132 minutes and 4 seconds; Dawson second with 134 minutes and 2 seconds (official). They had two and three laps ahead of the others.
At 210 miles De Palma's time was 179 minutes and 45 seconds and Dawson's, 184 minutes and 33 seconds. Endicott, third, was two laps behind.
At 251 miles the order was: DePalma, Dawson, Endicott, Chandler, Wishart. At this point Wishart broke a spring and was out of the races.
Lutterell retired from the race at the 16th lap. A connecting rod burned out.
At 268 miles the standing was: De Palma and Dawson, first and second, respectively, with Endicott and Chandler trailing for third place, four laps behind.