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The New York Times
December 1, 1922

Dr. T. W. Harvey's Sister-In-Law May Die of Auto Hurts.

ORANGE, N. J., Nov. 30.—Miss Fannie Halsey of 60 Main Street, sister-in-law of Dr. Thomas W. Harvey of 59 Main Street, one of New Jersey's foremost surgeons, was probably fatally injured in East Orange tonight when struck by an automobile near Parke Avenue and Washington Street.

Miss Halsey, unconscious, was taken to the Memorial Hospital here, where Dr. Thomas W. Harvey Jr., who with his father is attached to the hospital staff, found his aunt suffering from severe internal injuries and a fractured skull.

Abraham Barnett of 76 North Eighth Street, Newark, said to have been the driver of the machine, was released on his own recognizance.

The Crittenden Automotive Library