Tombstone Epitaph
December 31, 1922
While driving a Studebaker belonging to J. J. Bowen, of Bisbee, Jack Harris, a Bisbee fireman, was severely injured about 3 o'clock this afternoon when a front wheel broke turning the car up a steep embankment from which it overturned on the driver. Harris was severely cut about the face and badly bruised about the upper part of his body, although he was able to return to his home shortly after the accident.
Harris had gone with Bill Sherrill, an employee of Bowen, to a point several miles west of Benson to repair a broken car and had taken Harris along to drive the Studebaker back. Harris was following Sherill after repairs had been made when the accident happened.
Tourists lifted the wreck from Harris' body.
The Studebaker was badly wrecked according to word received here this afternoon.