Washington Times
December 30, 1922
Masked Bandits Get $27,000, Holding Up Twenty Clerks in One Place—Escape.
CLEVELAND, Dec. 30.—Working with lightning speed, five armed bandits within an hour this morning held up two plants in widely separated parts of the city and escaped with approximately $27,000 in cash.
After entering the offices of the Ferry Cap and Set Screw Company shortly after 9 o'clock, holding up twenty clerks, and shoveling nearly $20,000 into a valise, they escaped in an automobile, and a few minutes later held up and robbed the paymaster of the Ohio Buick Company, taking a payroll of $7,450 and an automobile bearing Ohio license, 3,183 and escaped.
Police flying squadrons are searching every road and alarms have been sent out to all surrounding cities, but police believe that the bandits are still in the city.