![]() Latest Sedan To Have Body Of Aluminum |
Aldred Reeves
Washington Times-Herald
December 31, 1922
National Show in January to Bring Out Automobiles of Many Varied Colors.
General Manager National Automobile Chamber of Commerce.
(Written For Cosmopolitan News Service.)
NEW YORK, Dec. 30.—An automobile, of the sedan type, whose body is built entirely of aluminum, is to be one of the startling novelties in automobile construction to be shown here in January.
This innovation is one of the happy conceits of a nationally known automobile manufacturer, who believes the decreased weight and increased strength of such a body will appeal to the public. Such a sedan, equipped with the metal body, will cost $50 more than the machine whose body is of wood, I understand.
Another departure from existing tastes will be seen in more colors in automobile trimmings. The change will add brightness to automobiles, making them "stand out," and thus relieve the monotony of color which has heretofore prevailed. Good taste, of course, will suggest that such decorations will be used in moderation.
A national survey made by the automobile chamber of commerce shows that demand for the closed car, particulary of the sedan type, is increasing. During the year the increase has been around 20 per cent. The feminine influence is believed to account for this.
The 1922 output will be, in round figures, 2,400,000 cars, an increase of 10 per cent. over the previous biggest yearly output, that of 1920. Of this year's production, Ford will have made one car for every one of all other makes.
The increased use of automobiles by the American public is a matter of concern to the municipal authorities in many cities. They are seriously seeking where and how additional roadway may be found for the growing automobile traffic. Those in charge of city planning are particularly concerned. They believe relief must be found not alone by the opening up of new roadway but in the construction of viaducts or overhead means of passage.
There is no doubt that the problem must be solved in one way pr another, and soon. Solution of the problem cannot be evaded. The congestion of traffic in the larger cities is alarming.
The National Automobile Chamber of Commerce is now engaged in a countrywide campaign of safety, to cut down the number of auto accidents by making both pedestrians and auto drivers more cautious.