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Augustus J. Fertig
The Washington Herald
October 6, 1913
The Miller Dudley Company is now in its new quarters at 1625 Fourteenth Street Northwest.
The latest information received from Philadelphia indicates that the Philadelphia automobile show will open January 10, the date when the New York automobile show closes.
Occasionally a burr is so placed that it is very difficult to get at it with a wrench. Sometimes reversing the bolt will bring the burr to where it is easier to reach.
Good electric connections should be soldered and wrapped with wire tape to be dependable.
When a master vibrator is attached to a regular coil it not only serves to equalize the spark to all the cylinders, but it also adds extra condensing power to the current, giving a hotter spark.
F. A. Varnell, assistant general sales manager of the Buick Motor Company, of Flint, Mich., is a guest of Robert H. Martin local agent for the Buick.
The officers, board of directors, and members of the Washington Automobile Dealers' Association, and the automobile editors of the local papers will be the guests of T. Oliver Probey, president of the association, at the annual meeting to be held at 8 o'clock tonight at the Commercial Club
Detroit, Mich., Oct. 5.—Directors of the Lincoln Highway Association have been meeting here this week, coincident with the sessions of the Third American Good Roads Congress, and with the arrival of delegations from several hundred points along the route additional plans for the collection of the necessary $10,000,000 fund have been drafted.
The directors also discussed the arrangements for the dedication celebrations on the night of October 31 at every point along the proposed highway, and the discourses to be delivered by the clergy on Sunday, November 2, taking the life of Abraham Lincoln as a text. Enthusiasm is growing to the bubbling over point in every State to be traversed by the proposed highway, and donations of sums ranging from $5 to $10,000 are pouring in.
Numerous good roads meetings are to be held through the West within the next few weeks in connection with the Lincoln Highway. At Central City, Nebr., on October 8, there will be a good roads congress, with delegates present from many Western States. The Lincoln Highway Association has accepted an invitation on the part of the congress to be represented, and A. R. Pardington, vice president, will tell of the actuating force behind the Lincoln Highway Association and its purposes in furthering a transcontinental route as a memorial to Lincoln.
After leaving Central City Mr. Pardington probably will also appear before the business organizations of Omaha, Clinton, and other cities.