Washington Times
December 28, 1922 Late Financial Edition
NEW YORK, Dec. 28.—Two children were killed and another injured by automobiles near their homes in New Jersey yesterday. And eight-year-old girl's life was snuffed out as she attempted to drag her sister from the path of the oncoming car.
The child was Gertrude Bergenhoefer, West Hoboken, N. J. Gertrude and her sister, Gladys, four, darted out from behind a wagon at the moment David Kupferberg, of Brooklyn, approached with his automobile.
As Kupferberg tried to apply the brakes and Gertrude attempted to drag her sister out of danger the machine hit them. Gladys was thrown several feet and cut and bruised. The left front wheel passed over Gertrude, killing her. Kupferberg was held on a charge of manslaughter.
While crossing Broadway and Eightieth street, Bayonne, N. J., six-year-old Irwin Williams was struck by a motor bus and thrown under the front wheels. He died before an ambulance arrived. Benjamin Kowalsky, the driver, was held on a manslaughter charge.