Washington Times
December 28, 1922 Late Financial Edition
Passengers Increased on D. C. Busses—Decreased in Year on Street Cars.
Busses of the Washington Rapid Transit Company carried 3,173,541 passengers during the first eleven months in 1922, according to a report made to the Senate District Committee by the Public Utilities Commission. These figures show an increase the last few months over the early months of the year.
The report stated that the peak of traffic was reached by the bus company in October, when 345,642 passengers were carried.
The Washington Railway and Electric Company for the first eleven months this year carried 72,831,562 passengers and the Capital Traction Company 66,023,301 passengers. Both of these companies show a decrease over the previous year.
It was also reported that during the fiscal year ended last June approximately 2,400 taxicabs were in operation in Washington.