Washington Times
December 26, 1922 Home Edition
Miss Gracie Harris in Accident Which Proved Fatal to Her Mother.
In an automobile wreck on the Dixie Highway, near the famous Stonewall House, outside of Covington, Ky., yesterday, Mrs. Sarah Harris, of Newport, was killed and her daughter, Miss Gracie Harris, of 1432 M street northwest, this city, said to be employed in the office of the assistant postmaster general here, with her two brothers, miraculously escaped death or serious injury, according to dispatches received this morning from Cincinnati.
Three machines figured in the accident. Mrs. Harris' machine was completely overturned when the steering gear of an automobile which was passing in the opposite direction broke, swerving into the Harris car. A third machine crashed into the two wrecked cars.
A stranger rushed Mrs. Harris to a hospital in his automobile, where she was later found by her daughter and sons. She expired before their arrival.
Miss Harris, who is about twenty-three years old, received a gash on her right shoulder.