Washington Times-Herald
December 24, 1922
George King Held in Philadelphia With 200 Quarts After Auto Hits Trolley.
Part of Washington's Christmas liquor supply was seized yesterday in Philadelphia, when police there arrested George King and seized his automobile containing 200 quarts of whisky as the machine crashed into a trolley car after an exciting chase through the downtown section.
King, with a Washington companion, was bringing the "Christmas cheer" to this city from a northern Pennsylvania town, according to the information received here last night by Clifford L. Grant, chief of detectives.
A traffic policeman recognized the liquor, and after King failed to halt at his command, the officer commandeered another machine and gave chase.
King, known here as a skillful driver, dodged traffic several miles before he crashed into a trolley car. The $4,000 automobile was badly damaged.
The companion escaped by dashing through a hallway and scaling a fence. King was captured following a short foot chase. At the police station he was held, charged with transporting liquor.
King has been arrested in Washington about a dozen times during the past year. Charges ranged from white slavery to violating traffic regulations. According to Inspector Grant, the former charge is still pending.
He was last arrested here on December 16 for driving without a permit.
At the time he gave his address as 1818 M street northwest. He is twenty-four years old.