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The Need For Approved Spark Arrestors


The Need For Approved Spark Arrestors

Ryan Baliza
June 29, 2006

Safety and protection are not to be ignored in all forms of transportations. Nowadays, there are so many applications made to motorcycle bikes. Apparently, motorcycles are not only famous for transportation and recreation; they have also gained respect for racing sports. Any application made to motorcycles requires the use of the right spark arrestors. These items aren’t just use for safety reasons; they are likewise used as mandated by the law.

As you go with your ride, you might be surprised as a forest ranger would perform an inspection on your silencer and check whether it has an approved spark arrestor on it. Subsequently, he would do stuff like poking a coat hanger inside of it and in the event that it hit something and stopped, you got an approved arrestor!

Generally, spark arrestors are used to remove incandescent particles from a gas stream. They are fitted to vehicles and stationary engines which are operated in potentially flammable atmospheres. This means that they must not be used on an engine other than for which they have been specified. Basically, they must be installed with gas entering the spark arrestor through the ports.

Spark arrestors are designed to be used as part of an engine exhaust system during normal driving and operating conditions. There are times when operation of engines in hazardous environments may require additional special precautions. Thus, installers or riders must consider the hazards involved and make sure that the installation is suitable for the hazard and the equipment chosen is suitable for the engine.

As for daily maintenance, you should always check the outside of the spark arrestors for signs of fatigue or damage such as fractures and cracks. You should remove defective spark arrestors form service. You should also check the integrity and security of joint clamps too. Just the same, defective clumps must be replaced. Since they are designed for self cleaning, you need not to service the internals of your spark arrestor. A short burst of black smoke is to be expected on starting the engine as collected particles are ejected.

Riding along potentially explosive atmospheres requires you to be meticulous in the selection and fitment of a type approved spark arrestor. This is because picking up a high quality well designed, engineered and constructed product is definitely crucial for potentially dangerous environments. To further ensure safe and right operation, it is important that spark arrestors are designed for use as a part of a complete exhaust system. They must likewise meet the type approval requirements.

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