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NASCAR Sprint Cup Series: Sprint Showdown

Stock Car Racing Topics:  Sprint Showdown

NASCAR Sprint Cup Series: Sprint Showdown

Brad Keselowski
May 21, 2011


THE MODERATOR: We welcome here into the media center Brad Keselowski. Brad finished second in today's Sprint Showdown. This is your third All-Star start. Raced your way into the big show. Tell us about the race today.
BRAD KESELOWSKI: We weren't quite as good as we were hoping. But we kind of hung in there, made sure we were there at the end. Made the right move on the restart, kind of timed that just right.
From there, was trying to run away with it with the clean air. Quite honestly, David was just hauling. His car was certainly the car to beat. From what I saw tonight, he's the car to beat. We'll have to see how that all pans out.
I was telling somebody on TV I think he ran the fastest lap of everybody in qualifying. Wouldn't think of anything different for him tonight. Happy for him, as well.
Just on the cusp of getting things running well for everybody at Penske with this 2 team, strong runs over the last two weeks. Starting to capitalize on some momentum. We know we need some more speed, but have to execute. We executed tonight with perhaps not the fastest car, but as a team we got it done. Hopefully we can execute in the next race.
THE MODERATOR: We'll open it up to questions.

Q. Brad, can you talk about that three-wide move you used to get to the lead? Did you think you won the race?
BRAD KESELOWSKI: No. I didn't think I'd won the race, not then. I thought I won the race on the last restart when I had the clean air. Was really shocked to see David run that much faster. I mean, quite a bit faster than anybody.
That was pretty amazing to me.
But I thought I had it won on the last restart. You knew there were going to be more restarts to come. I knew I made the move to give myself a shot later on. Was happy to do that. Like I said, things just worked out.
I was lucky I didn't end up in a big ball with a whole bunch of cars in turn one. That would have been interesting. That's when we were going for it.
This race, you either make it into the next race or you might as well not have even came. Took a chance being three-wide on the restart and I'm rewarded by being here right now.

Q. (No microphone.)
BRAD KESELOWSKI: Absolutely. I went through the grass to do it. But that's what you got to do. You got to take chances. I felt like I could execute it as long as the 6 and the 27 didn't run me down. They did a little, but it wasn't quite enough.
So it worked out and I feel pretty good about it. Got a little doughnut on the side of this car. I think that's what this race is all about.

Q. When you got passed by Ragan, because of the nature of this race, was there less anxiety knowing you were still in?
BRAD KESELOWSKI: I certainly didn't let him go, I can tell you that. I saw him coming. I was trying to not let him go. I didn't want to lose the race, but I wasn't going to wreck myself to win it when I knew I could transfer in second.
I certainly didn't let him go. His car was that strong to drive right by me, dirty air and all. That was impressive. I really wanted to win the race. I'm not the type of guy to lay up and take second. I don't think there was anything else I could have done that was an extremely low-percentage move to win the race.
Thank you, guys.
THE MODERATOR: Good luck in the next race.

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