Topics: Cadillac
The Ogden Standard
April 29, 1916
Such Is Verdict of British Motor Expert After 40-Mile Winter Ride.
"So far as my experience goes, I can pronounce the Cadillac Eight the best thing in the shape of a motor car that has yet come to us from the land of the Stars and Stripes."
This is what a British motor expert writes after a 40-mile ride in a Cadillac Eight, through the slush and congested traffic of London streets and over the snow-covered roads of the open country. He says further:
"It is to all intents and purposes a one gear car, as you can use the top speed (high gear) on anything from five to over sixty miles an hour. The acceleration is really wonderful. The rate at which the car can jump from a creeping pace up to a mile per minute was to me a revelation. This was not my first introduction to the eight cylinder engine, having made a run two years ago on a De Dion with the same number of cylinders. The one impression left on my mind in connection with that trip was the smooth running of the engine. I described it then as 'being pulled along by a cable.' There was not only the feeling of sweet and easy running, but the sense of supreme and constant power as well. My forty mile run in the new Cadillac, in and out of traffic, through slush and snow, up hill and on level, was a repetition of my previous experience.
"To use an Americanism, the new Cadillac is 'some' car, as it provides comfort bordering on luxury, speed far beyond one's requirement, and ease of control so simple a child could drive it. You have seating accomodation for seven people. Thanks to a highly organized factory and an enormous output, the American company is able to out this large family car on the market at a price that almost defies competition."