The New York Times
February 9, 1900
Advises Good Roads Delegates as to Proper Way to Secure Reforms—Delegates Ask $1,000,000.
ALBANY, Feb. 8.—Gov. Roosevelt to-day receivel the delegates attending the Good Roads Convention in session in this city. The delegates were presented by State Engineer and Surveyor Bond, under the auspices of whose department the convention is being held. Joseph L. See of Westchester County, as spokesman, urged the Governor to use his influence and power in behalf of good roads legislation. He said that $1,000,000 for good roads was needed, and that, if the Legislature refused to make the appropriation the Republican Party deserved to be driven from power.
The Governor said he was in favor of the good roads movement. He said that as a rule the members of the Legislature represent the wishes of their constituents. The legislators should be requested by their constituents to act. When the sincerity of the movement is realized the Legislature will act accordingly. The Legislature, of course, cannot permit of any increase in the tax rate. The way to push forward the good roads movement effectively, declared the governor, was to awaken thoroughly senitment in the communities where it is proposed to build good roads. He hoped that the meeting would bear practical fruit.