The New York Times
July 27, 1914
Auto Club Finds Much Activity in This Vicinity—Other Motoring News.
An increasing number of complaints have been received by the Automobile Club of America from various places in the vicinity of New York as to speed traps and extreme insistence on the letter of the law without due warning in such factors of automobile operation as the use of the muffler cut-out and approaching trolley stops. Some of the conditions outlined in the complaints are as follows:
In Newark, Chief of Police Long has assigned a squad of policemen to enforce the various ordinances and attention will be devoted strictly to the following: Muffler cut-out, failure to observe traffic signs, the passing of trolley cars taking on or discharging passengers, and undue speed in the crowded sections of the city.
In Verona, N. J., a plain-clothes motor cycle officer is enforcing observance of the fifteen-mile-per-hour ordinance on Saturdays and Sundays; he is also making arrests for the passing of standing trolleys. In Montclair the same regulations are being enforced in regard to the passing of trolleys that are discharging or taking on passengers. In Spring Valley, N. Y., a Justice of the Peace has been fining cars going east from $5 to $50 if they exceed the local speed regulations. Cars going west do not appear to be molested.
On the Boston Post Road special officers are stationed along at various points. They are particularly active on Saturdays and Sundays and other days when a large amount of traffic is expected. Between Greenwich and Stamford it is reported that six or eight men have been out at various times for the apprehension of the law breakers. This also applies to other towns along the road, including Stratford, Fairfield, Bridgeport, and Mamaroneck.