The New York Times
May 12, 1912
F. A. M. Opposes Abuse by the Motor Cycle Riders.
President G. H. Hamilton of the Federation of American Motorcyclists is elated over a communication which the Motorcycle Manufacturers' Association is sending to the Mayors of thousands of cities throughout the country condemning the use of the open muffler cut-out by motor cycle riders and asking the executives to take some action against the improper use of this part of the motor cycle.
The F. A. M. has already been put on the trail of the "open muffler," especially where riders persist in the nuisance on the public thoroughfares. For some time under the direction of President Hamilton the federation has opposed the abuse of the cut-out and this action by the motor cycle manufacturers is a blow at the very heart of the evil.
The letter being sent to Mayors of cities by J. F. Cox, Hartford, Conn., Secretary of the Motorcycle Manufacturers' Association, follows:
We respectfully direct your attention to the improper use of the open muffler by a certain class of motor cycle riders. This has developed into a nuisance in no small degree, creating a wrong impression in the minds of the people who do not ride motor cycles.
This nuisance is caused by the rider, as all motor cycles built to-day are built with an efficient muffler, which, when closed, makes the machine very quiet, and we, the Association of Motorcycle Manufacturers, respectfully ask that some steps be taken in your city to discontinue the use of the open muffler.