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The New York Times
September 5, 1914
In Connection with Commercial Tercentenary—Other Auto News.
Plans for the participation of automobiles in the New York Commercial Tercentenary Celebration to be held in October were discusses at a luncheon given by the Committee on Commercial Exhibits and Pageants of the New York Tercentenary Commission at the Automobile Club of America yesterday. A motorized pageant with at least four divisions, enabling both private owner and dealer to take part and compete for the prizes which are to be offered, is to be a feature of the celebration. The necessity of concerted action and the value of such a pageant were pointed out by the speakers, who included Luis Annin Ames, Edward H. Hall, A. E. MacKinnon, Dr. George F. Kunz, E. P. V. Ritter, George H. Duck, and other members of the commission. Elmer Thompson was appointed Chairman of a committee to take up details of automobile organization.
Conservative optimism on the Fall trade in automobiles was the keynote at the Directors' meeting of the National Automobile Chamber of Commerce held at the New York headquarters this week. The European war resulted in an almost complete shut-down of the automobile trade during the first two weeks in August, but shipments for the last two weeks were far ahead of those for the same period last year.
Two dozen light cars are scheduled to leave Lincoln Square, Newark, this morning for a three-day, 300-mil reliability run, under the auspices of the Cycle Car Club of New Jersey, to Atlantic City, by way of Philadelphia and return. This run will be the first of its kind on American soil, practically all the competing vehicles being under 1,000 pounds and sod great simplicity of design.