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Reference Desk: 1975 Mercedes-Benz 450SL, Spohn, and the 1934 Lincoln Model K (Again)

Topics:  Jincheng JC 70-6, Lincoln Model K
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Reference Desk: 1975 Mercedes-Benz 450SL, Spohn, and the 1934 Lincoln Model K (Again)

Bill Crittenden
November 30, 2013

1975 Mercedes-Benz 450SL

Dick from Georgia (that's just his name, I'm sure he's actually a really nice guy) asks "Do you know of an on line source where I could find and print a 1975 MB 450 SL Owners Manual?"

Sadly, I have none, but I'm putting this out there to see if anyone else has a source.  If you do, please e-mail me at admin@carsandracingstuff.com and I'll pass it along!


Wayne from Texas is seeking information: "Am writing in hopes you may have something somewhere in regards to the history of two of the Spohn Customs that were in the Chicagoland area. Good chance that you attended the Hartung estate auction in Nov. of '11 and saw the German Veritas sports car with wild custom coachwork by Spohn in Ravensburg, Germany. That car resided in Lincolnwood in its early life. It is a long shot contacting you but then everything to be learned about Spohn Customs is that way."

If anyone knows anything about Spohn cars and these two in particular, please let me know and I'll pass it along to Wayne!

1934 Lincoln Model K

A television producer from Brazil wrote last time, "For the next edition, we are going to remember the history of an 1934 Lincoln K, a property of our ex-president Getúlio Vargas that was sold for an American citizen in the 70’s decade. As a journalist, I am trying to find this vehicle, as a way to know if it’s owner wants to be interview by our staff in US. In this task, I just have the motor number of the car: KB-3.390. I am writing this email to ask if there is some department in the US government that could has an national data bank with old cars motors numbers – and the location of their owners.

I wrote last time that because they don't want everybody knowing what they're working on, they wanted their name left out.  So just e-mail me at admin@carsandracingstuff.com and I'll pass it along to the producer.

Here's some more details on the car that he passed along to me:

Acc 614: Notebook 3
KB-1934 Sheet 7
Car and Motor Number: 3390
Production Number: 3447
Body Number: 10-7 (1st no. indicates body manufacturer 10 = Lincoln)
Type Number: 273
Color: Royal Blue Dark
Trim Number: 1309
Lock Number: 474

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