Topics: Chicago Auto Show
The New York Times
January 15, 1911
Annual Automobile Exhibition Will Attract 357 Displays.
Revised lists of exhibitors at the Chicago Automobile Show, which opens Jan. 28, in the Coliseum, show that there will be 357 distinct individual exhibits of motor cars, motorcycles, and parts and accessories. The sundries exhibits, which will be continued from the first week through the second week, or commercial vehicle section, are not counted twice, as was done by the press agent for the Madison Square Garden Show in New York, now in progress, for the purpose of swelling the apparent number of exhibitors there.
Analysis of the exhibitors' list for the Chicago show gives some interesting figures. During the first week, or pleasure car section, ninety-three different manufacturing companies will display complete vehicles and chasses. Thirty-nine of these displays will be on the main floor of the Coliseum, twenty-three in the annex, and thirty-one in the First Regiment Armory. Eleven of the makers will show electric pleasure vehicles. In the galleries and on the second floor of the annex 175 different exhibitors will show every imaginable article of motor car and garage equipment, supplies, clothing, parts, &c.
During the second week, from Feb. 6 to 11, inclusive, fifty-three manufacturers will exhibit complete motor trucks, delivery wagons, taxicabs, fire apparatus, patrol wagons, ambulances, sightseeing cars, omnibuses, and stages. Six or more different makes of electric industrial vehicles will be shown. Fully one-half of the exhibitors in the commercial vehicle section will show trucks and delivery wagons, or commercial chasses, that are either strictly new to the market or which have never been exhibited before at motor car shows. Even the best informed men in the trade will see business motor wagons of which they have never heard. Undoubtedly, there will be many surprises.