The New York Times
December 17, 1922
Washington High School Boy Wins Good Roads Prize Essay Contest.
WASHINGTON, Dec. 16.—Karl G. Pearson, a 17-year-old Washington high school boy, has been awarded the annual Harvey S. Firestone University Scholarship for the best good roads essay submitted by high school pupils throughout the United States and its territorial possessions, the Highway Education Board announced today. The scholarship, which provides tuition and all reasonable expenses during four years at any college or university selected by the winner, is valued at not less than $4,000. Approximately 250,000 essays were submitted.
Harold O. Beach of Dundee, N. Y., and Miss Lorene Hobbs of Cheyenne, Wyo., received honorable mention for their essays.
Pearson moved to Washington from Lindsborg, Kan., in 1920, and will complete his high school course this year.
The national judges, who acted after State contests had been decided and prizes awarded in co-operation with the Highway Education Board, were Secretary of Agriculture Wallace, George Horace Lorimer, editor of The Saturday Evening Post, and Dr. John Grier Hibben, President of Princeton University.