The New York Times
December 6, 1922
Indianapolis Mayor Orders Them Taken to Prison in Patrol Wagon.
INDIANAPOLIS, Dec. 5.—In an effort to curb speeding in Indianapolis, Mayor Samuel Lewis Shank today had police officers line up six of eight persons arrested for speeding before John Mitchell, whose wife and a girl companion were killed last night by an automobile, which witnesses said was speeding. Mitchell told of the accident.
Mayor Shank warned speeders late yesterday that hereafter they would be taken to the city prison in a patrol wagon and held under high bond. Soon after this warning the two women were killed by the same automobile.
In a statement to members of the motorcycle department of the city police, the Mayor said "Treat 'em all alike."
"I don't care who they are, either," the Mayor added. "If it happens to be the daughter of a bank president or the wife of a wealthy manufacturer, 'treat 'em all alike,' call the wagon and take them down and make them give a $5,000 bond.