Topics: Bosch
The New York Times
December 7, 1922
Grand Jury Reported at Work on Sale by Alien Property Custodian.
Herman J. Galloway, a special assistant to Attorney General Daugherty, is here from Washington to work with John E. Joyce, head of the Criminal Department of the Federal Court, in another inquiry to be made into the sale of the Bosch Magneto property by the Alien Property Custodian in the Spring of 1918. The property, said to have been worth $18,000,000, was sold to Martin Kern for $4,150,000.
An inquiry before a Federal Grand Jury in the District of Columbia ended when it was discovered that the only alleged overt acts charged in connection with the seizure and sale of the property were committed here and in Boston. An inquiry in Boston came to nothing. Neither Mr. Galloway or Mr. Joyce would discuss the matter, but it is understood that the inquiry before a Grand Jury in this jurisdiction has been started.