![]() Help NHTSA Spread The Word About Preventing Drunk Driving This New Year's Eve! |
December 23, 2013
Plan Ahead & Designate a Sober Driver!
With New Year’s Eve just around the corner, U.S. Department of Transportation’s National Highway Traffic Safety Administration (NHTSA) and the Ad Council want everyone to ring in 2014 safely by planning ahead and designating a sober driver before they go out!
In the lead-up to New Year’s Eve, we need your help! We have engaged with the crowd-speaking platform Thunderclap to create a wave of attention on New Year’s Eve at 2:30pm (ET). From now until then, we need as many people as possible to sign up through the platform to release a tweet and/or Facebook post of support. All it takes is one click! Thunderclap will then trigger everyone’s posts to be released simultaneously on New Year’s Eve creating a virtual flashmob of support.
In addition to signing up here, please use the promotional messaging provided at the link below to encourage your networks to sign up for the New Year’s Eve pledge of “I am celebrating #NYE2014 safely by planning ahead and designating a sober driver. #BuzzedDriving is Drunk Driving.”
Leading up to December 31st, share these Tweets and Facebook updates with your social networks. Images you can share with the tweets and posts can be found here.
Share Copy: 137 people died in 2011 during the New Year’s holiday period in drunk driving crashes. Sign up for our Thunderclap and help spread the word that buzzed driving is drunk driving: http://thndr.it/1k9wyBG
Share Copy: Let’s all ring in New Year’s safely. Sign up for our Thunderclap and help us spread the word that buzzed driving is drunk driving: http://thndr.it/1k9wyBG
Share Copy: Drinking and driving can have serious consequences. Sign up for our Thunderclap to help us spread the word about designating a sober driver on New Year’s Eve: http://thndr.it/1k9wyBG
137 people died during the 2011 NYE holiday period in drunk driving crashes. Sign up for our Thunderclap: http://thndr.it/1k9wyBG
Let’s all ring in New Year’s safely. Sign up for our Thunderclap & help us spread the word: http://thndr.it/1k9wyBG #buzzeddriving
Drinking & driving can have serious consequences. Sign up for our Thunderclap to help us spread the word: http://thndr.it/1k9wyBG
We hope you will share this on your page and encourage your community to join this Thunderclap. The more people that join, the more we can help keep our roads safe on New Year’s Eve.
Forward this email to your followers/readers and encourage anyone interested in driving safety issues to join our conversation on Facebook and Twitter.