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Static Vs Onsite Caravans : What You Need to Know

Recreational Vehicles

Static Vs Onsite Caravans : What You Need to Know

Coby McGibbons
December 16, 2013

When you take a moment to look round at your busy life, at the hectic pace and stressful day-to-day, there's nothing more relaxing than planning a holiday. Static caravans are quaint, comfortable little getaways designed to provide you with all the comforts of home while you step away from the stressful day-to-day.

The purchase of a static caravan may seem like a big step, but take a look at the savings: most static caravans start as low as £40,000 and for that price you get safe communities that are calm and often monitored for your safety. In the summer months, a caravan makes for an excellent escape, providing an airiness and openness; at night the caravan will remain warmer longer, using fewer gas cylinders and saving you money.

Experience The Joy And Beauty Of A Caravan

Imagine: A long week of work, bills and meetings, but on Friday evening you pack up the car, grab the dog and head out of town two hours to your static caravan. No paying for a room, no ordering out - this is your home away from home, your holiday house. Visit when you like, and when you aren't using your caravan, rent it out.

Plenty of people, every day, are looking for the opportunity to rent a little getaway. Offer them your caravan and you can recoup your expenses so that you can enjoy your holidays even more and take some of the burden from your day-to-day.

A static caravan is a unique piece of real estate that, like any property, comes with advantages and disadvantages. A caravan is an inexpensive method of holiday escape and a money maker if lent out to holiday traveler.

Static caravans are small, however, and not particularly suited for adverse weather conditions - extreme cold, or extreme winds, for instance, can make a static caravan somewhat unpleasant. For the price of savings and the relief of stress, however, many find the compromises required well worth it.

Making Your Own Holiday With Static Caravans

Static caravans provides you with stress relief that something like a typical holiday simply can't provide. Why is that? Well, simply put, it takes out the guess work. When you own a static caravan, you know where you are going to retreat. You don't need to worry about booking flights, or a room. There's no need to concern yourself with where to eat, how to get around or if the area is safe - you'll have all the comforts of home.

When you own a static caravan, your holidays become far more economic. With the heavily reduced cost, you might find yourself capable of more frequent holidays and as such you may experience a rather dramatic drop in stress. Don't you feel like you deal with enough as it is? Isn't it time you took control of your holiday? Don't let stress ruin your holiday and run your life. Take the time to do the math and follow the savings to a static caravan, and your new holiday home.

Coby McGibbons is the business operations consultant for Caravan Loan Centre. The Caravan Loan Centre is your one stop solution for all your caravan loans in Brisbane. For an obligation free consultation, go to http://www.caravanloancentre.com.au

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