The New York Times
December 27, 1922
Extent of Sentence Depends Upon Reparation, Court Rules.
Special to The New York Times.
WHITE PLAINS, N. Y., Dec. 26.—"Liquor has brought you to where you are today. You have given me your word of honor not to touch a drop of intoxicating liquor during the rest of your life," County Judge Bleakley today told William Thompson of Mount Kisco, arraigned for driving while intoxicated, to which charge Thompson pleaded guilty. Thompson went out of the courtroom a free man until April 1, when he will be sentenced.
"The extent of your punishment depends upon the extent of reparation you have made to assist the young woman you struck while you were intoxicated," said the court.
Thompson has been in jail for the last six weeks. His one ambition now, Thompson said, is to reimburse Helen Dugan of Bedford Hills, sole support of her mother, who was seriously injured by his automobile.