The New York Times
December 12, 1909
Additional Floor Space Secured at Duquesne Garden.
Special to The New York Times.
PITTSBURG, Penn., Dec. 11.—About 45,000 feet of floor space will be utilized by exhibitors at the Pittsburg automobile show to be held here in the early Spring. The show committee late to-day made the announcement that it had at last been successful in obtaining this amount of space at the Duquesne Garden, and each exhibitor will thus be enabled to get more floor space than at any of the three previous shows. Pittsburg automobile dealers declare that there has never been so much inquiry for space as now.
The new license application blank bids fair to create some trouble in Western Pennsylvania. It has sixteen questions that must be answered under oath by the applicant before a Justice of the Peace, and the applicant must also obtain the signatures of three persons over 25 years of age who will state upon their honor that they know the applicant, believe his statements in the application, know of no physical weakness or infirmity other than as mentioned in the application, and that they believe him careful and fully competent to operate motor vehicles.
The State Highway Department of Pennsylvania has adopted the horse power formula of the Association of Licensed Automobile Manufacturers as the basis of fees for registering automobiles for next year. After Jan. 1 all cars driven in the Keystone State must be registered, and the license fees will be graded according to the horse power of the machine.
A reward of $100 has been offered by the Automobile Club of Delaware County for the detection of the automobilist who struck a man at Leiperville and speeded away leaving the victim dying on the roadside.
The chauffeurs of Pittsburg will hold another meeting next week to complete their organization. Effort on the part of some to have the colored chauffeurs barred from the organization has failed, since many of the most steady and trustworthy chauffeurs in Pittsburg appear to be colored.