The New York Times
December 26, 1909
Connecticut Autoists to Make Determined Efforts to Improve State Highways.
Motor Enthusiasts Hope to Hold the Cobe Cup Race Over Track Instead of Road.
Special to The New York Times.
NEW HAVEN, Conn., Dec. 25.—The Automobile Association of Connecticut has voted to make its crusade for better roads in the State along the broadest lines it is possible to conduct it. The association declares that it was not a crusade against the present Highway Commissioner, James H. Macdonald, but that it was simply a question of getting the most scientific roads possible in the State. It declared, also, that the roads question was the biggest problem before the automobilists of Connecticut at the present time, and that it will take the first rank in discussions which arise in the Association which winter.
A committee was appointed to frame a report which shall embody any specific recommendations for better roads which the association wishes to ask the State Legislature to grant.
There is no session of the Legislature the coming year, as Connecticut clings to biennial sessions, and the report will not be made for several months, it is probable. When it is made it will most likely be the profoundest study of the good roads question ever submitted in the State.
Highway Commissioner Macdonald has accepted the invitation to address the New Haven Automobile Club at its coming smoker, and he promises to reply to the criticisms which have been handed his regimé by the automobilists. The coming meeting will be the most largely attended session of automobilists of the city ever recorded.